Rabu, 28 September 2016

Life is Good

Situation changed. In a way I always hope it should be. In a slow-paced, controlled, and stable way. Transisi dari anak kuliahan, pengangguran, dan mendapat gaji kedua gue beberapa hari lalu. Things changed. Kadang bukan Cuma tanggung jawab besar yang ada di depan mata, but more about... what can I do more for my future.

But then, I need more. I want more. Something more intense and meaningful, yang gue ga tau apa. Kisah percintaan gue udah settle, finansial gue settle, well, butuh penyesuaian di sana dan di sini. Gue ngekos sekarang, I’m learning to be responsible for my own life, I want my own privacy then I have it. Things have never been this stable my whole life. It feels weird though.

Anyway, gue bersyukur bukan main atas apa yang gue punya sekarang. Not everyone is as lucky as I am, right.

I need something to fulfill this thirst. Thirst of something I don’t even know what.

So gue download banyak pdf tentang urban planning dan arsitektur, barangkali bisa memuaskan dahaga gue akan pengetahuan baru?

Life is... boring.


I said it. Finally.

Life is boring lately.

Karena gue nggak mau membatasi hidup gue hanya sampe di 9 to 6. Lalu pulang dan tidur setelahnya. I need to stimulate myself for something. Which I haven’t really decided what it would be. Mungkin les bahasa, atau baca lebih banyak lagi buku tentang tata kota.

Atau nulis.

Ya anything to enrich myself, lah.

Lalu suara-suara itu berbisik di telinga gue... “Stick to your goals, Mar. Stick to your goals.”

Btw, dari seluruh keluhan gue di postingan kali ini. Finally, I found someone that I really like. That is my moodboster when I need it. That have accompanied me to explore many things about myself. The best thing I need for this period of time (lalu pengen peluk).

So, you know. Warna di tengah konsep monokrom. So I guess, I can tell you that life is good. Life is good.

Salam Roti!

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