Well, I’m a mess.
So unorganized, so dirty like a pig, and so... impulsive.
Like, everything has to be done in a rush. Gue terlalu
mengimplementasikan, “Ayo cepet, cepet.” Di segala aspek hidup gue. Makan,
kerja, mikir. I need to slow down a little and see things through. Because when
I move fast, when I try to be fast, I tend to make mistake. I tend to be
unorganized and messy. So..
I just watched a video about “How to think like Holmes”,
More logical than emotional. More objective than subjective. More causalities
than fallacies. I have to practice this mindfulness. Which sebetulnya lebih
relate pada hal fokus dan thoughtfulness. Like ketika lo melihat satu insiden
tertentu, lo fokus dan berpikir akan segala kemungkinan. Because our mind are
destined to wander around. So focus need to be trained.
Espescially ketika bidang pekerjaan gue butuh fokus dan
logika. So, so many about focus and logic stuff. So... ya.. I need to slow
myself down a little and see things through.
Because this is the time to explore myself and what I can
do. To learn as much as I could until my learning stage is uncountable.
Let’s see where my life is going.
Anyway, about unorganized stuff (balik ke paragraf pertama),
karena gue ngekos, gue baru sadar bagaimana berantakannya gue. Super thank you
to Aya yang padahal niatnya main ke kosan gue, tapi mendadak jadi beresin kosan
gue. Sampe Aya ada di satu titik dia Cuma menunduk lemah... “Gue sedih liat
kamar lo, Mar.”
So I learn to nyapu ngepel kamar kosan gue at least seminggu
sekali. I learn to put stuff on the right place. Alat tulis di atas meja,
makanan di rak kedua, alat makan di rak ketiga. And stuff. You know, be more
organized for the sake of my life.
Same goes with my financial management. Thankfully to
Google. Gue memanfaatkan aplikasi spreadsheet yang ada pengaturan budgeting
setiap bulan. Jadi di sana lo tinggal masukin angka pengeluaran dan pemasukan
lo (pengeluaran secara harian, so it’s a commitment to do also), berdasarkan
kategori-kategorinya. Nanti di situ akan keliatan, pengeluaran lo boros dimana,
dan mana yang ga sesuai budget bulanan lo (kelebihan ataupun kekurangan).
Because I need to save my money if I really wanna go study abroad.
This study abroad stuff is my short term goal for now. It is
the small, bright, point that I’m seeing in my daily life. That drive and
motivate me. So people, make your goals also, okay.
P.s. sekarang kamar gue ada lampu-lampu tumblrnya. Pas awal
ngekos gue agak bermasalah dengan AC yang ga dingin dan listrik yang boros
(karena AC yang ga dingin itu). Well, gue rasa karena ini AC tua. Jadi nyedot
listriknya banyak. Pasca di servis, AC gue udah dingin. Jaid you know,
malem-malem pake kemeja tidur kesayangan sambil pake minyak telon, nikmatin AC
dingin dan lampu natal temaram. Hmmmn. Wonderful.
P.s.s. Maybe sometimes, sometimes, I need to let the universe do their job. So... universe, do your job in a proper way, oke?
Salam Roti!
2 komentar:
Tapi konon katanya, makin pinter satu orang, maka makin ga rapi lah orang itu :) (langkah defensive buat diri sendiri juga)
Anon: ah yang bener nih?
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